
Types of submission

Submissions are now closed. Our thanks to all authors of submitted papers.

All accepted papers will be published in the ACM SIGCHI proceedings of EICS 2009 as well as in the ACM Digital Library. Submissions may be in one of the following categories:

Late Breaking Results
These can be substantial reports on, and/or demonstrations of, recent or ongoing research or development. Late breaking results papers will be published without distinction along with the conference full papers in the ACM SIGCHI proceedings of EICS 2009 as well as in the ACM Digital Library and thus will be more visible and publication-worthy than conventional conference short papers. Descriptions of demonstrations will also be included in the conference proceedings; videos will be included in the Digital Library version of the Proceedings. Maximum 6 pages.
Research Paper
(Submission deadline past.) This should present a substantial and rigorously executed piece of research including validation of results. Maximum 10 pages.
Practice and Experience Report
(Submission deadline past.) This is designed to provide an opportunity for those who develop interactive systems to describe good (and bad) practices and/or to present practical evaluations of methods, techniques and tools. Maximum 10 pages.‘
(Submission deadline past.) A demonstration of a design or development tool or technique. Maximum 6 pages.
Doctoral Consortium
(Submission deadline past.) A paper on a PhD thesis in progress related to EICS. Maximum 4 pages. See the Doctoral Consortium instructions.

Important dates

All categories except late breaking results:

  • Deadline for submission: 25 February 2009
  • Authors’ notification: 1 April 2009
  • Camera-ready papers: 1 May 2009

Late breaking results:

  • Deadline for submission: 17 April 2009
  • Authors’ notification: 1 May 2009
  • Camera-ready papers: 6 May 2009

Instructions to Authors

Submissions are now closed. Our thanks to all authors of submitted papers.

Submission should be made via the EICS 2009 conference management system, which is now open.

Late-breaking results, research papers, practice and experience reports and demonstrations must be carefully anonymized. Attention must be paid to references (e.g., never write “In our previous work [3]”). Confidentiality will be maintained during the review process.

Doctoral Consortium submissions should not be anonymized.

All submissions must be prepared according to the standard SIGCHI publications format. Submissions in PDF format are strongly preferred. Templates for Word, RTF and Framemaker are on the SIGCHI site; a LaTeX template can be found here. The maximum length is:

  • 10 pages for research papers and practice and experience reports
  • 6 pages for late breaking results and demonstrations
  • 4 pages for the Doctoral Consortium, not including the CV.

Videos can be provided as a supplement to any submission and are strongly encouraged in the case of demonstrations. Videos should be no more than 5 minutes in length and 50 MB in size; they should be playable on standard PC or Macintosh computers.

Authors of contributions accepted as posters should see the poster preparation instructions.