The fourth ACM SIGCHI Symposium on

Engineering Interactive Computing Systems

IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, June 25–28, 2012

COSE Tutorial

The COSE tutorial will be held on June 25, 2012. Registration for the tutorial is through the EICS registration system.

Creative and Open Software Engineering Practices and Tools in Community Projects

Format: full day

Tutorial Objective: We explore software engineering practices and tools that are inspired by a growing number of amateur creators and artists. The introduction of rapid prototyping tools, such as Processing, Arduino, and fabrication-labs has motivated a broader participation of non-technical users in the engineering of interactive systems. Maker communities meet regularly and share knowledge for various purposes (e.g., creative hacking, social networking, lifelong learning). In the context of maker communities, the understanding of engineering interactive systems (e.g., objectives, collaboration, process, reports) and the design of the respective tools (e.g., end-user programming for artists, or children) are not well documented. As a remedy, we present a coherent overview of related work, as well as our own experiences in the organization and running of maker workshops. The tutorial format (lecture and hands-on workshop) benefits both practitioners and researchers with an understanding of creative software tools and practices. Moreover, participants become familiar with the organization of maker workshops as 1) a research method for understanding users, 2) an engineering process for interactive computer systems, and 3) a practice for teaching and learning.


08:30 Introduction to the tutorial
09:00 Maker communities between art and technology
10:30 Coffee break
10:30 Creativity and Open source
12:30 Lunch break
14:00 Creative session part 1: (a) Choose characters; (b) experiment with motion, looks, sound, sensors (Pico Boards will be provided by the organizers)
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Creative session part 2: (c) develop a story board; (d) programming, (e) share
17:15 Final discussion and conclusions
17:30 End