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The sixth ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive CNR Rome, Italy, June 17-20, 2014
Useful Information NEWSSocial Dinner at Palazzo Ruspoli! Download the flyer ![]() Connect with EICS 2014![]() Academic Sponsors![]() ![]() ![]() IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 ![]() HIIS Laboratory Partner Events![]() MODELSWARD 2015 - Third International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development - February 9-11, 2015 |
Useful InformationCURRENCYThe official currency is the euro (€). You can find money exchange offices and banks in the airports and in the city centre. Banks are open weekdays, usually between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Prior to transaction, commission costs should be asked. Several automatic bank tellers are also available for cash withdrawal.TELEPHONEPrefix for Italy: +39 Prefix for Rome: +39 06LANGUAGEItalian, although English is often spoken.TIME DIFFERENCEThe time in Italy is the same as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) +1 (when Standard Time is operating), GMT +2 (when Daylight Saving Time is enforced - from March to October).CLIMATEThe temperature is usu ally mild the whole year round. Generally, the best months for traveling in Italy are April through October, although July and August can be very hot. The best seasons are Spring and Autumn, when temperatures are mild and the days, thanks to daylight savings time, are longer. In October, temperatures range from a maximum of 70.16 F. (21.2 °C.) to a minimum of 54.5 F. (12.5 °C.). There can be some rain, usually in the form of short showers.USEFUL NUMBERS IN CASE OF EMERGENCYEmergency servicesAmbulance: 118 Police: 113 Carabinieri: 112 Lost Property Office: 06 5816040Credit Card TheftAmerican Express : 0672282 Diner's Club : 800864064 Mastercard/Visa : 800151616 Bank Americard: 800821001The theft or loss of a document must be reported to the nearest Carabinieri or police station where the robbery or loss occurred. In the case of a passport, the owner’s Consulate or Embassy in Italy should be contacted. Public phones accept coins, prepaid phone cards (scheda or carta telefonica) or both. Phone cards or international phone cards can be purchased at most tobacco shops or bars. ELECTRICITYThe electrical system in Italy is 220 volts. In order to use 120 volt appliances, you need both a transformer and an adapter plug. Both of these can be purchased in electrical stores or travelers' shops before arriving in Italy (which is best) or in Italy after you arrive.RELIGIONThe official religion is Catholicism. Buddhist and Muslim religious communities have been present for a number of years. It is no coincidence that Rome is the home to Europe's largest mosque. Designed by Portoghesi, it was first opened in 1995. Rome also has the largest Jewish community in Italy living in the historical “ Ghetto ” district and all around the city as well .TIPSIt is not compulsory to leave tips in Rome, but it is customary to give waiter s 5 to 10% of the bill for their services.SHOPPING HOURSShops in the city centre and inside shopping malls are mostly open every day from 10 a.m. t o 8 p.m., except Monday mornings. In the other areas, they are basically open everyday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. And 4 p.m. until 8 p.m., apart from Sundays. On Sundays shops are only open in the historic centre and in shopping malls. |
Last update: December 31, 1969
EICS 2014 |